Publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters
- Kahr, P. K., Rooks, G., Willemsen, M. C., & Snijders, C. C. P. (2024). Understanding Trust and Reliance Development in AI Advice: Assessing Model Accuracy, Model Explanations, and Experiences from Previous Interactions. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 14(4).
- Tintarev, N., Knijnenburg, B. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2024). Measuring the benefit of increased transparency and control in news recommendation. AI Magazine, 45(2), 212-226.
- Jansen, P. C. P., Snijders, C. C. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2024). When increasing risk perception does not work. Using behavioral psychology to increase smoke alarm ownership. Risk Analysis, 44(6), 1357-1380.
- Buijsse, R., Willemsen, M., & Snijders, C. (2023). Data-Driven Decision-Making. In W. Liebregts, W-J. van den Heuvel, & A. van den Born (Eds.), Data Science for Entrepreneurship: Principles and Methods for Data Engineering, Analytics, Entrepreneurship, and the Society (pp. 239-277). Springer.
- Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. C. (2023). Promoting Music Exploration through Personalized Nudging in a Genre Exploration Recommender. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(7), 1495-1518.
- Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. C. (2022). Promoting Music Exploration through Personalized Nudging in a Genre Exploration Recommender. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, online first.
- Rutjes, H., Willemsen, M. C., Feijt, M. A., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2022). The Influence of Personal Health Data on the Health Coaching Process. Frontiers in Big Data, 5, [678061]
- Jansen, P. C. P., Snijders, C. C. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2021). Determinants of Domestic Risk Prevention Behavior: The Importance of Separating Effects Within-Persons and Between-Persons. Risk Analysis, 41(6), 929-943.
- Starke, A. D., Willemsen, M. C., & Trattner, C. (2021). Nudging Healthy Choices in Food Search Through Visual Attractiveness. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence , 4, [621743]. DOI:10.3389/frai.2021.621743
- Hendriks, M., Willemsen, M. C., Sartor, F., & Hoonhout, J. (2021). Respecting Human Autonomy in Critical Care Clinical Decision Support. Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, [690576]. DOI:10.3389/fcomp.2021.690576
- Starke, A., Willemsen, M., & Snijders, C. (2021). Promoting Energy-Efficient Behavior by Depicting Social Norms in a Recommender Interface. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 11(3–4), 1-32. [30]. free access via ACM
- Radha, M., den Boer, N., Willemsen, M. C., Paardekooper, T., IJsselsteijn, W. A., & Sartor, F. (2020). Assisting Home-Based Resistance Training for Normotensive and Prehypertensive Individuals Using Ambient Lighting and Sonification Feedback: Sensor-Based System Evaluation. JMIR Cardio, 4(1), [e16354]. DOI:10.2196/16354
- Starke, A. D., Willemsen, M. C., & Snijders, C. C. P. (2020). Beyond “one-size-fits-all” platforms: Applying Campbell’s paradigm to test personalized energy advice in the Netherlands. Energy Research and Social Science, 59, [101311]. DOI:10.1016/j.erss.2019.101311
- Jansen, P. C. P., Snijders, C. C. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2020). Playing with fire : understanding how experiencing a fire in an immersive virtual environment affects prevention behavior. PLoS ONE, 15(3), [e0229197]. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0229197
- Sun, Q., Willemsen, M. C., & Knijnenburg, B. P. (2020). Unpacking the intention-behavior gap in privacy decision making for the internet of things (IoT) using aspect listing. Computers and Security, 97, [101924].DOI:10.1016/j.cose.2020.101924
- Willemsen, M. C., & Johnson, E. J. (2019). (Re)Visiting the Decision Factory: Observing Cognition with MouselabWEB. In M. Schulte-Mecklenbeck, A. Kuehberger, & J. G. Johnson (Eds.), A Handbook of Process Tracing Methods (2nd ed., pp. 76-95). Taylor and Francis Ltd.. DOI:10.4324/9781315160559-7
- Ferro, N., Fuhr, N., Grefenstette, G., Konstan, J. A., Castells, P., Daly, E. M., … Zobel, J. (Eds.) (2018). From evaluating to forecasting performance: how to turn information retrieval, natural language processing and recommender systems into predictive sciences: Manifesto from Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 17442. Dagstuhl Manifestos, 7(1), 96-139. DOI: 10.4230/DagMan.7.1.96
- Felfernig, A., & Willemsen, M. C. (2018). Handling preferences. In Group Recommender Systems (pp. 91-103). (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering book series). Dordrecht: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75067-5_5
- Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Johnson, J. G., Böckenholt, U., Goldstein, D. G., Russo, J. E., Sullivan, N. J., & Willemsen, M. C. (2017). Process-tracing methods in decision making: on growing up in the 70s. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26(5), 442-450. DOI:10.1177/0963721417708229
- Knijnenburg, B.P., & Willemsen, M.C. (2016). Inferring Capabilities of Intelligent Agents from Their External Traits. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) vol. 6 (4), 1-25. free access via ACM
- Willemsen, M.C., Graus, M.P, & Knijnenburg, B.P. (2016). Understanding the role of latent feature diversification on choice difficulty and satisfaction. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), vol 26 (4), 347-389 doi:10.1007/s11257-016-9178-6
- Knijnenburg, B. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2015). Evaluating Recommender Systems with User Experiments. In F. Ricci, L. Rokach, & B. Shapira (Eds.), Recommender Systems Handbook (pp. 309–352). Springer to springer
- Jameson, A., Willemsen, M. C., Felfernig, A., Gemmis, M. de, Lops, P., Semeraro, G., & Chen, L. (2015). Human Decision Making and Recommender Systems. In F. Ricci, L. Rokach, & B. Shapira (Eds.), Recommender Systems Handbook (pp. 611–648). Springer US. link to Springer
- Knijnenburg, B.P., Willemsen, M.C., Gantner, Z., Soncu, H., Newell, C. (2012). Explaining the User Experience of Recommender Systems. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), vol 22, p. 441-504, open access
- Willemsen, M.C., Böckenholt, U. & Johnson, E.J. (2011). Choice by value encoding and value construction : processes of loss aversion. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General vol. 140, no. 3, p. 303-324,
- Willemsen, M.C. & Johnson, E.J. (2011). Visiting the decision factory : observing cognition with MouselabWEB and other information acquisition methods. In M Schulte-Mecklenbeck, A. Kühberger & R. Ranyard (Eds.), A handbook of process tracing methods for decision research : a critical review and user’s guide. (pp. 19-42) New York: Psychology Press.
- Keren, G.B., Willemsen, M.C. (2009). Decision anomalies, experimenter assumptions, and participants’ comprehension : revaluating the uncertainty effect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 22(3),
- Johnson, E. J., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., & Willemsen, M. C. (2008). Postscript : rejoinder to Brandstätter, Gigerenzer, and Hertwig (2008). Psychological Review, 115(1),
- Johnson, E. J., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., & Willemsen, M. C. (2008). Process models deserve process data : comment on Brandstätter, Gigerenzer, and Hertwig (2006). Psychological Review, 115(1), 263-272.
- Willemsen, M.C. & Keren, G. (2004). The role of negative features in joint and separate evaluation, Journal of Behavioral Decision making, 17, 313-329
- Willemsen, M.C. & Keren, G. (2003). The meaning of indifference in choice behavior: Asymmetries in adjustments embodied in matching, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 90, 342-359
- Willemsen, M.C., & Keren, G. (2002). Negative-based prominence: The role of negative features in matching and choice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 88, 643-666
- Willemsen, M.C. (2002). Explaining asymmetries in preference elicitation: The role of negative attributes in judgment and choice. Ph.D.Dissertation. University of Technology, Eindhoven.[full text book – pdf]
Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Kahr, P. K., Rooks, G., Snijders, C. C. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2024). The Trust Recovery Journey: The Effect of Timing of Errors on the Willingness to Follow AI Advice. In IUI ’24: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 609-622). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Silva, Í., Marinho, L., Said, A., & Willemsen, M. C. (2024). Leveraging ChatGPT for Automated Human-centered Explanations in Recommender Systems. In IUI ’24: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 597–608). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Muijlwijk, H., Willemsen, M. C., Smyth, B., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2024). Benefits of Human-AI Interaction for Expert Users Interacting with Prediction Models: a Study on Marathon Running. In IUI ’24: Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (blz. 245–258). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Said, A., Willemsen, M. C., Marinho, L. B., & Silva, I. (2023). Leveraging Large Language Models for Goal-driven Interactive Recommendations. In HAI ’23: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (blz. 464-466). (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Kahr, P. K., Rooks, G., Willemsen, M. C., & Snijders, C. C. P. (2023). It Seems Smart, but It Acts Stupid: Development of Trust in AI Advice in a Repeated Legal Decision-Making Task. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 528–539). (IUI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. C. (2022). Exploring the Longitudinal Effects of Nudging on Users’ Music Genre Exploration Behavior and Listening Preferences. In RecSys 2022 – Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 3–13). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Hadash, S., Willemsen, M. C., Snijders, C., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2022). Improving understandability of feature contributions in model-agnostic explainable AI tools. In CHI 2022 – Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems [487] Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. C. (2021). The role of preference consistency, defaults and musical expertise in users’ exploration behavior in a genre exploration recommender. In RecSys 2021 – 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 230-240). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Bahirat, P., Willemsen, M., He, Y., Sun, Q., & Knijnenburg, B. (2021). Overlooking Context: How Do Defaults and Framing Reduce Deliberation in Smart Home Privacy Decision-Making? In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Making Waves, Combining Strengths (pp. 1-18). [553] Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. (2021). Interactive Music Genre Exploration with Visualization and Mood Control. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2021 (pp. 175-185). (International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Smyth, B., & Willemsen, M. C. (2020). Predicting the Personal-Best Times of Speed Skaters Using Case-Based Reasoning. In I. Watson, & R. Weber (Eds.), Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development – 28th International Conference, ICCBR 2020, Proceedings (pp. 112-126). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 12311 LNAI). Springer.
- Starke, A. D., Willemsen, M. C., & Snijders, C. (2020). With a little help from my peers. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2020 (pp. 568-578). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Zhao, Q., Willemsen, M. C., Adomavicius, G., Harper, F. M., & Konstan, J. A. (2019). From preference into decision making: modeling user interactions in recommender systems. In RecSys 2019 – 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 29-33). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Rutjes, H., & Willemsen, M. C., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2019). Beyond behavior: the coach’s perspective on technology in health coaching. In CHI 2019 – Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems [670] New York: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. DOI: 10.1145/3290605.3300900 free access via ACM
- Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. C. (2019). Personalized recommendations for music genre exploration. In ACM UMAP 2019 – Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 276-284). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Schäfer, H., & Willemsen, M. C. (2019). Rasch-based tailored goals for nutrition assistance systems. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (pp. 18-29). New York, NY, USA: ACM/IEEE. free access via ACM
- Zhao, Q., Willemsen, M. C., Adomavicius, G., Maxwell Harper, F., & Konstan, J. A. (2018). Interpreting user inaction in recommender systems. In RecSys 2018 – 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 40-48). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Taijala, T. T., Willemsen, M. C., & Konstan, J. A. (2018). MovieExplorer: building an interactive exploration tool from ratings and latent taste spaces. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2018 (pp. 1383-1392). New York: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Rutjes, H., Willemsen, M. C., van Kollenburg, J., Bogers, S., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2017). Benefits and costs of patient generated data, from the clinician’s and patient’s perspective. In PervasiveHealth ’17 Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (pp. 436-439 ). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Starke, A., Willemsen, M., & Snijders, C. (2017). Effective User Interface Designs to Increase Energy-efficient Behavior in a Rasch-based Energy Recommender System. In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 65–73). New York, NY, USA: ACM. free access via ACM
- Zhao, Q., Adomavicius, G., Harper, F. M., Willemsen, M., & Konstan, J. A. (2017). Toward Better Interactions in Recommender Systems: Cycling and Serpentining Approaches for Top-N Item Lists. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (pp. 1444–1453). New York, NY, USA: ACM. free access via ACM
- Ekstrand, M. D., & Willemsen, M. C. (2016). Behaviorism is not enough: better recommendations through listening to users. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys ’16) (pp. 221-224). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Radha, M. G., Willemsen, M. C., Boerhof, M., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2016). Lifestyle recommendations for hypertension through Rasch-based feasibility modeling. In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on User Modeling Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP’16), 13-17 (pp. 239-247). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Graus, M.P. & Willemsen, M.C. (2015). Improving the user experience during cold start through choice-based preference elicitation. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 273-276), New York, NY, USA: ACM free access via ACM
- Graus, M. P., Willemsen, M. C., & Swelsen, K. (2015). Understanding Real-Life Website Adaptations by Investigating the Relations Between User Behavior and User Experience. In F. Ricci, K. Bontcheva, O. Conlan, & S. Lawless (Eds.),User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 350–356). Springer International Publishing. Link to springer
- Ekstrand, M.D., Harper, F.M., Willemsen, M.C.& Konstan, J.A. (2014). User Perception of Differences in Recommender Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 161–168). New York, NY, USA: ACM free access via ACM
- Knijnenburg, B.P., Willemsen, M.C., & Broeders, R.(2014). Smart Sustainability through System Satisfaction: Tailored Preference Elicitation for Energy-saving Recommenders. Full paper accepted to the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) manuscript
- Nguyen, T. T., Kluver, D., Wang, T.-Y., Hui, P.-M., Ekstrand, M. D., Willemsen, M. C., & Riedl, J. (2013). Rating Support Interfaces to Improve User Experience and Recommender Accuracy. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 149–156). New York, NY, USA: ACM free access via ACM
- Bollen, D., Graus, M., & Willemsen, M. C. (2012). Remembering the stars?: effect of time on preference retrieval from memory. In Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 217–220). New York, NY, USA: ACM free access via ACM
- Knijnenburg, B. P., Reijmer, N. J. M., & Willemsen, M. C. (2011). Each to his own: how different users call for different interaction methods in recommender systems. In Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 141–148). New York, NY, USA: ACM. free access via ACM
- Knijnenburg, B. P., Willemsen, M. C., & Kobsa, A. (2011). A pragmatic procedure to support the user-centric evaluation of recommender systems. In Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 321–324). New York, NY, USA: ACM. free access via ACM
- Bollen, D., Knijnenburg, B. P., Willemsen, M. C., & Graus, M. (2010). Understanding choice overload in recommender systems. In Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems – RecSys ’10 (pp. 63–70). Barcelona, Spain. free access via ACM
- Knijnenburg, B.P. & Willemsen, M.C. (2010). The effect of preference elicitation methods on the user experience of a recommender system. CHI EA ’10 : Proceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, (pp. 3457-3462). New York: ACM. free access via ACM
- Knijnenburg, B.P., Willemsen, M.C. & Hirtbach, S. (2010). Receiving recommendations and providing feedback : the user-experience of a recommender system. In F. Buccafurri & G. Semeraro (Eds.), E-Commerce and Web Technologies (11th International Conference, EC-Web 2010, Bilbao, Spain, September 1-3, 2010. Proceedings). (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 61, pp. 207-216). Bilbao: Springer.
- Knijnenburg, B.P., Willemsen, M.C. (2009). Understanding the effect of adaptive preference elicitation methods on user satisfaction of a recommender system. 3rd ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys’09, 23 October – 25 October 2009, New York, NY. (pp. 381-384). (Best short paper award RecSys 2009) free access via ACM
- Ridder, H. de & Willemsen, M.C. (2000). Percentage scaling: a new method for evaluating multiply impaired images. Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 3959
Workshop Publications and descriptions
- Brusilovsky, P., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Polignano, M., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2024). 11th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS’24). In RecSys ’24: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 1253-1257). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Brusilovsky, P., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lops, P., Polignano, M., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2023). 10th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS’23). In J. Zhang, L. Chen, S. Berkovsky, M. Zhang, T. di Nola, J. Basilico, L. Pizzato, & Y. Song (Eds.), RecSys ’23: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 1255-1258). ACM Press.
- Brusilovsky, P., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lops, P., Polignano, M., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2022). Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS’22). In RecSys 2022 – Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (blz. 667-670). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Novak, J., Drenska, K., Koroleva, K., Pfahler, L., Marin, L., Möller, J., Ozgöbek, O., Willemsen, M. C., Dersch, D., Das, E., Larson, M., & Morik, K. (2021). Towards Reflective AI: Needs, Challenges and Directions for Future Research. European Institute for Participatory Media.
- Starke, A. D., Willemsen, M. C., & Snijders, C. (2021). Using Explanations as Energy-Saving Frames: A User-Centric Recommender Study. In UMAP 2021 – Adjunct Publication of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 229-237). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Brusilovsky, P., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lex, E., Lops, P., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2021). Joint workshop on interfaces and human decision making for recommender systems (IntRS’21). In RecSys 2021 – 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 783-786). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Brusilovsky, P., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lops, P., O’Donovan, J., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2020). Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems. In Fourteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 613–618). (RecSys ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Rutjes, H., Willemsen, M. C., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2020). Tailoring transparency to expertise: health professionals’ need for transparency in representing self-tracking data of clients. Paper presented at 4th HUMANIZE workshop on Transparency and Explainability in Adaptive Systems through User Modeling Grounded in Psychological Theory (Workshop at IUI’20), Cagliari, Italy.
- Hadash, S., Liang, Y., & Willemsen, M. C. (2019). How playlist evaluation compares to track evaluations in music recommender systems. In P. Brusilovsky, M. de Gemmis, A. Felfernig, P. Lops, J. O’Donovan, G. Semeraro, & M. C. Willemsen (Eds.), IntRS 2019 Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems 2019: Proceedings of the 6th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems co-located with 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2019) Copenhagen, Denmark, September 19, 2019 (pp. 1-9). (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2450).
- Brusilovsky, P., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lops, P., O’Donovan, J., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2019). RecSys ’19 joint workshop on interfaces and human decision making for recommender systems. In RecSys 2019 – 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 560-561). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. free access via ACM
- Knijnenburg, B., Bahirat, P., He, Y., Willemsen, M., Sun, Q., & Kobsa, A. (2019). IUIoT: Intelligent user interfaces for IoT. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion (pp. 139-140). ACM/IEEE. free access via ACM
- Rutjes, H., Willemsen, M., & IJsselsteijn, W. (2019). Considerations on explainable AI and users’ mental models. In Where is the Human? Bridging the Gap Between AI and HCI: Workshop at CHI’19, May 4-9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. paper
- Rutjes, H., Kersten-van Dijk, E. T., Willemsen, M. C., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2018). Tell-Tale data: the value of self-tracked data for healthcare professionals. Paper presented at 2018 Short Workshop on Next Steps Towards Long Term Self Tracking”, Montreal, Canada. paper
- Graus, M. P., Willemsen, M. C., & Snijders, C. C. P. (2018). Personalizing a parenting app: parenting-style surveys beat behavioral reading-based models. In A. Said, & T. Komatsu (Eds.), Joint Proceedings of the ACM IUI 2018 Workshops: Tokyo, Japan, March 11, 2018 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; No. 2068).Link
- Graus, M.P. & Willemsen, M.C. (2016). Can Trailers Help to Alleviate Popularity Bias in Choice-Based Preference Elicitation? Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems at the ACM RecSys 2016 conference, September 15-19, 2016link to paper
- Rutjes, H., Willemsen, M.C. & IJsselsteijn, W.A. (2016). Understanding Effective Coaching on Healthy Lifestyle by Combining Theory- and Data-driven Approaches CEUR-WS Workshop Proceedings, Vol 1582, 26-29 (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Personalization in Persuasive Technology co-located with the 11th International Conference on Persuasive Technology (PT 2016)) link to paper
- Starke, A.D., Willemsen, M.C., & Snijders, C.(2015). Saving Energy in 1-D: Tailoring Energy-saving Advice Using a Rasch-based Energy Recommender System. CEUR-WS Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1533, 5-8. (Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Decision Making and Recommender Systems, Bolzano, Italy, October 22-23, 2015). link to paper
- Chen, L., de Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lops, P., Ricci, F., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2013). Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems: Decisions@RecSys’13. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 479–480). New York, NY, USA free access via ACM
- De Gemmis, M., Felfernig, A., Lops, P., Ricci, F., Semeraro, G., & Willemsen, M. C. (2012). RecSys’12 Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems. In Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 347–348). New York, NY, USA: ACM. free access via ACM
- Willemsen, M.C., Knijnenburg, B.P., Graus, M.P., Velter-Bremmers, L.C.M. & Fu, K. (2011) Using Latent Features Diversification to Reduce Choice Difficulty in Recommendation Lists. CEUR-WS Workshop Proceedings, Vol 811, 14-20 (part of the Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems, ACM RecSys 2011 conference, October 26th)
- Willemsen, M., Bollen, D., & Ekstrand, M. (2011). UCERSTI 2: second workshop on user-centric evaluation of recommender systems and their interfaces. In Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems (pp. 395–396). New York, NY, USA: ACM free access via ACM